Friday, April 26, 2013

My First Time

I'm not really sure why I decided to start this blog. I've been reading blogs for a year or so and I felt like I should start one too. I guess I just want a little space to write my thoughts and feelings and document my boring life.

I suppose I should introduce my family and myself.

This is Isabella, definitely an Izzie, not a Bella!
She's 3 and just finished her first year of preschool and is getting ready for her Ballet/Tap recital tomorrow. 

This is Kahle and he's 10. Just finishing up 4th grade and just got done being a Webelo I in Cub Scouts. He's excited for baseball this summer!

This is Tim.  He's my fiance. We've been together a little over 5 years now. 

This is me! (Taking advantage of Izzie wanting to be nice to me!)

This is Finnegan and Mojo.  I definitely consider my dogs to be my children!

We live in a small town in Nebraska. I love it, but the weather not so much. I absolutely hate the long winters and as most of you know, it was an incredibly LONG winter this year. I guess that's all for now! I'm excited to enter into the blogging world! (Sorry, that sounds so lame! Ha!)