Izzie is in Kindergarten this year! She has a wonderful teacher whom she really likes!
It's also fun that my cousin's son, Cash, is also in Izzie's class! She's learning to read and doing a great job! I am always surprised at how well she reads when she does her homework. And yes, homework in Kindergarten! It's crazy but it's just to review what they are learning at school and she gets it done pretty quickly. I've been lucky enough to eat lunch with her twice so far this year. It's so much fun! I even spend recess with her and she introduces me to friends and runs around to play. The second time I ate with her, the weather was rainy/snowy so they had indoor recess. That was a lot of fun too!
She's in dance again this year. She does tap/ballet and hip hop and I can't believe at how good she is!! I mean, she's been doing dance since she was 3 (almost 4) but she is so good and really loves it this year! It helps that her teacher, Miss Ashley, is my little sister's best friend so my kids know her and love her so much!
Izzie turned 6 in October and I just can't hardly believe it!
It really seems like she was just born. I'm pretty sure that this little sassy pants is 6 going on 16 though. She has so much attitude....I'm a little worried for the teenage years. Maybe she'll cool off by then. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Kahle is in 7th grade this year and is really doing well. We had some attitude issues last year that resulted in some phone calls from the Principal (who was my Principal in Middle School!) but this year there has been none of that! Whew! Kahle did Football this year!
I never took him for a football player but he had a great time and I really think it helped to boost his self confidence! He is now doing wrestling and working really hard! I'm just so glad he is active. He is also doing dance again this year but is doing clogging in addition to hip-hop! There are not very many boys this year for an all boys hip-hop group so he got stuck in with 7th-12th grade girls hip-hop. He loves being around all those girls. They tease him and he soaks it all up. That boy! He's definitely girl crazy this year!
In other news....my little Chihuahua, Finnegan turned 4! We bought him that little sombrero and he hates it but it's so funny!
And these two......
decided to act like naughty little teenagers and we are expecting puppies the last week of this month. I really, really did not want puppies and we tried our hardest to keep them apart when Halia was in heat but they didn't care what I wanted. Oh well!
I guess that's all for now. Christmas will be here before we know it! I think we are done with a little more than half of what we planned to buy for gifts. I plan on wrapping this weekend and sticking them under the tree. The kids hate having the tree up with no gifts.