It's been quite awhile since I've wrote. Is anyone still around anymore? I've just had a lot going on in my little life and not too interested in writing it down. I've really been trying to read a lot more. And by reading I do mean reading blogs (I think I follow too many!) and more books. I am such a bookworm. My ideal day would be snuggling up with a blanket, my dogs and just I would also take a few cups of hot tea!! I finally finished up The Hunger Games trilogy. I have heard that many people were disappointed in how it ended, but I really liked it and wouldn't change a thing. I think Catching Fire was the best one out of the three. I just could not put it down and I can't wait to see the movie!!
I also just finished The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
Talk about a tear-jerker!! I honestly cried for an additional 10 minutes after I finished reading. (I'm sure Tim thought I was nuts!) And I didn't just cry because it was sad, but it just spoke to me and became a piece of me. I think I mourned the fact that I was done reading. I really recommend everyone to read it if you haven't already! I'm also really looking forward to this movie too. And Andrea, if you are reading will read this book!!! It's just so incredibly good and easy to read.
I'm now reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.
I just started this on Friday night so I'm not very far at all but it's pretty good already. A little weird, but I like weird.
I have on my To Read List, both the Divergent Series and The Mortal Instruments Series. We watch City of Bones the other day and I really liked it! I'm into all the supernatural and end of world stuff. If any of you have read some really good books lately, let me know! I would love to add to my collection. I have so many books it's pretty ridiculous! Tim built me a bookshelf a few years ago and I've been on him to build me another one. I have 2 tall ones right now and they are full and I keep piling on top of books and in front. I also have a huge stack on my nightstand and another shelf in my bedroom with several more books. I have always been against e-readers because I am addicted to owning and reading physical copies but I've been thinking I might need to get one, since my house isn't big enough for a library! Ha!
Well, I think I better end for the night. Izzie is half passed out on the couch and Kahle needs to start getting ready for bed. I really dread Mondays. :(

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