Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Social

It's been quite awhile since I last linked-up, link-upped, participated in Sunday Social so here I am!

                                               Sunday Social

Ok, you're right, it's been a long time since I last blogged. Period. Anyways, here are this week's questions and my answers.

1. Who do you call when you need to vent?
I call these 2 people.

My Mom and my sister Alli. I tell them both everything but not everything to both. :)

2. Where do you go when you need alone time?
Alone time? What's that? I never get truly alone time, but if I need a break, I will ask Tim to watch the kids for me and I go to my room.  He's pretty good about keeping the kids occupied so I can have a moment or an hour. :) Whichever is needed.

3. What is your favorite alone time activity?
READING!! Sorry for yelling, but I can not get enough reading.  Or napping. I do enjoy a good nap every now and then.

4. What is something we should all stop and read right now?
I loved this book!! It's definitely a must read!

5. Who do you wish would read your blog that doesn’t already? Family? Celeb?
Hmm, I don't really know. I guess I wish more people that I don't know would read it and I wish a few people that I DO know, would stop reading. Ha!

Well that's all for now. I really need to do a catch-up post still, but we have back to back dance recitals today that I have to get through first! I hope to have another post tomorrow though!

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  1. lol Yeah there's someone reading this and I wish they wouldn't lol cuz I talk about them. A lot. So I know the feeling!

  2. I've really been enjoying this week's Sunday Social. Lots of great book recommendations.

    1. :) I honestly don't need any more book recommendations though. My to-read list is a mile long! Haha

  3. I cannot get enough reading in either. I am so excited about my long flight coming up just for that reason. It will give me a chance to read books that have been sitting on my side table for months. -Stopping by from Sunday Social.

    1. Where are you flying to? I love having any excuse to just sit and read. :)
