I know I never come here anymore....and I know that's what everyone says and then they apologize for it. I'm not going to apologize, because blogging was never something I was consistent with. I love reading blogs. Though I obviously, do not read as many blogs anymore, I still have quite a few I follow. I'm sad that a couple of them that I used to LOVE, seem to only post about clothes or how to blog anymore. So many sponsored posts! I understand that that's how they are making their money, but the substance is just gone. It makes me kind of sad.
I find myself watching Instagram stories more and more. I just love being able to get a glimpse into someone's life or seeing what funny things they might post. I guess that's why I loved the old school way of blogging. It felt like seeing friends even though I never met any of them in real life.
I also find myself listening to podcasts now! I HATE talk radio with a passion! Spotify only for me! I cannot stand commercials or morning talk shows! But, I find that when I'm getting ready in the morning, or doing dishes or something like that, podcasts work for me! I'm slightly obsessed with the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise so I listen to a few from past contestants. I also started listening to Rise by Rachel Hollis (I'm sure along with the rest of America.) And recently, I found Royally Obsessed Podcast! Let me tell you, I have now become obsessed with the Royals and Meghan Markle! It's so good if you are into the Royals!
What else can I talk about? My kids? Ok! Kahle is 15 and a Sophmore in High School!! Wow! Where has time gone? He is so passionate about wrestling and I'm a proud wrestling Mom! He has really improved and has become so focused, it's awesome to watch! He's also really into Jiu Jitsu and has competed in a couple of tournaments and has done very well!

In this picture...they had no idea they posed the same.

Izzie just turned 9 and is in 3rd grade. She's still dancing! Just down to ballet and jazz now. She has got the longest legs ever! Definitely a dancer's body. (We already wear the same shoe size!)
We just had her 1st friend birthday party at a local pumpkin patch on Saturday. It turned out so well! She had 4 friends come along and we roasted hot dogs and smores. It was good! I was worried how it might go with girls, but there was nothing to be scared of. 😃 But let me tell you, out of the 4 girls, there definitely was a difference in each one. A couple times we had 2 go one way and the other 2 another way with Izzie bouncing back and forth. No fighting though so I call it a win!

Nothing much new in my little life. Still reading like crazy. I have so many books that it's almost overwhelming! I could probably use at least 2 full size bookshelves and have them completely filled! A lot of them I get free now! I'm part of a group that sends me several books every season and I'm way behind now. I also seem to win a lot of books through random giveaways and I have a TON on my kindle from Netgalley. I really need to catch up! I wish I could win money like I win books! 😉
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Accurate picture of me |

She was crazy, zany, loving, thoughtful and just one of the best people I have ever met. We also shared a birthday. She and my Dad had been divorced for like 13 years I think. We still kept in contact but she ended up remarrying and I just kind of let that relationship dwindle. I figured we were moving on and I didn't need to keep in close contact anymore. Man......what I fool I was. I am so incredibly lost without her. I'm very thankful that I did get to see her back in March. I was there in the hospital when we said goodbye to her. She just was the kind of person I could talk to about ANYTHING! She always had a way of listening and making you feel like she was completely on your side and yet, she could convince you to see the other side as well without abandoning you or offending you. She always rooted for the underdog and I miss her just so much! I'm constantly thinking of her. I'm so thankful to have my sister Alli, my two step-sisters Ashley and Rachelle and my step-brother Travis in my life again. I did terrible with keeping in touch but we have all been making a conscious effort now. We even plan on getting together for Thanskgiving! It's not good to have regrets so I'm going to make the most of my time with them from here on!
The world today is just pissing me off in general anymore! This whole #MeToo movement has left me drained and emotional. The point isn't if someone is lying or not.....it's why can't we believe more people and take action! So many people, specifically men, just get away with sexual assault and are never held accountable! It makes me so angry! I have a daughter to protect! And I'm going to damn well make sure Kahle knows what consent is and raise him to be a decent young man! Between that and just plain bullying, I've just had it! I just want a private island alone, with my family. It's a sad world.
Speaking of kindness, I'm really having a hard time right now with people. Have you ever had someone that you thought was actually a friend and it turns out you were fighting for that relationship more than they were? I had that happen. We had joined Advocare a few years ago and sucked at it. Haha! I am not made for sales! I can recommend books like no ones business but selling healthy supplements? I failed. But anyway, we signed up under one of my old school friends and her husband. I was so excited to rekindle that friendship and potentially make money but that failed too. I just felt like they left us behind because we weren't making money. It really makes me pretty sad. It's hard to see them being buddy buddy with others on their team that are making money and forgetting about us. I'm trying to just let it go and move on. It's not worth the friendship if I'm the only one who wants it.
Well, I think I'm out of things to talk about. I guess I'm not leaving on a very positive note, but if anyone reads this, at all, leave me some comments. Tell me about books you are reading, podcasts you are listening to, blogs you still read, people you've lost, people you're ready to let go in your life. Anything! Have a great week!

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