Friday, October 25, 2013

Dearest Friday

My Dearest Friday, are you really, honestly here? Finally!! I swear this has been the longest week ever. I've been overly stressed and that just seems to make the week drag by so slowly. I think I will finally decorate for Halloween this weekend. I mean, it's only less than a week away now, better late then never I guess. I took Halloween off since I signed up to help with Izzie's preschool party. It's going to be a lot of fun! She's going to be Ariel and I'm so excited she loves the movie! Seriously, what little girl didn't watch The Little Mermaid a million times? Kahle's going to be a creepy Werewolf. Tim picked it out for him and I'm pretty sure Kahle would never take it off if I didn't make him. He loves to freak the dogs out with the mask. For being "vicious" pit bulls, they sure act like chickens!

Yesterday, was Parent-Teacher conferences. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. His behavior is so much better than it has been in the past years and it seems his grades are starting to improve. Of course, when he has an AWESOME teacher, it helps a lot. I can definitely tell that Mrs. Lorence truly cares about the kids she teaches.  There are a few teachers left that were teaching when I was in Elementary school and I hink it's time for them to go. Kahle has one of them and she is so picky about everything and seems to only be doing what she has to. So many "new" teachers make learning fun and that does wonders for the kids.  I'm also so thankful for Izzie's preschool teachers! They do such a great job and Izzie just lights up whenever she sees them. It's a great feeling for a mom.

Everyone have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you were able to de-stress this weekend! Your kids's halloween costumes sound so fun!
