Happy Friday!!! I'm so glad I get a 4 day weekend! That makes me so happy. I have a major need to be away from work for a little while. I can only handle so many "politics" and then I get super stressed and need a break. Columbus Day couldn't have came at a better time!
We are headed to the Omaha zoo tomorrow!! I can't wait! The last time we went, I was still pregnant with Izzie. So this will be her first trip. She is so into animals that I know she will just love it. Speaking of animals, Kahle and Izzie have become bug collecting maniacs! We now have 3 praying mantises and 3 caterpillars in cocoons. I just ordered some habitats for each on Amazon today. If we have to have the things in our house, they better have better homes than just jars. :)
Today is also my Mom's birthday!!! I am going out for lunch with Mom and Alli today. That seems to be our little tradition now for our birthdays. Unfortunately, my Sister has decided to up and move with her boyfriend to Lincoln so our tradition will have to end. :( I'm happy for her and Jake though. I'm just going to miss her. I know Lincoln is only an hour away, but we both seem so busy that I'm sure we won't be seeing very much of each other. Anyways, enough with the sadness. I just want to wish my Mom the happiest birthday ever (which should be since she is eating lunch with me!!) and post a few pictures. She hates pictures so I don't have very many and I'm glad she doesn't read my blog because she will never know I put them here. Hee hee!!!
Mom meeting Isabella for the first time! |
My beautiful Mom and Sister!! |
Izzie's first Christmas and trying to get settled for a 3 Generation picture. |
Family picture in Texas. Also included is my Aunt Sandie and my Grandpa. |
Mom with her "new" cousins Susy and Martha.
Wow. I'm such a failure at blogging. I really need to recap my Trip to Texas from JULY! When will time ever slow down?
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! Talk to you soon!
Happy Birthday to your mom!