Last night we finally got our pumpkins carved.
Izzie and Daddy did a Minion!! She really was not fond of the pumpkin "guts" at all. Once she got the little scoop, she was good to go though!
Kahle just did a creepy face. He did the majority of the carving by himself!! He's just getting too big!
Today I took off of work so I could help out with Izzie's Preschool Halloween party!! It was a lot of fun hanging out with those little kids. We even had 3 mermaids!!
Cute kids in cute costumes!!
Tonight we will go to Scare the Square. All our local businesses decorate and stand outside to hand out candy. It's nice since we don't have to go very far to trick-or-treat. It gets a little crowded at times, but it's really convenient. We only live a few blocks away so we always just walk downtown. After that we will probably hit a couple of neighborhoods that have a bunch of lights on. Kahle got invited to go out for dinner with some friends and then go out with them. This is the first time he hasn't been with me. :( I guess I'll survive. I just can't believe my little boy is getting so old. I hope everyone has a great safe night and don't eat too much candy!!
Oh cute! Love the little minion pumpkin!