Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have I changed?

Today, for Blogtember, Jenni wants us to discuss how blogging and/or social media has changed us. 

For starters, I don't think blogging has changed me.....yet. I'm just starting out, it's still a secret to people I know and there hasn't been enough time to change me. 

I know it does give me a boost of self-confidence when I get new followers or sweet comments. I'm not one to think very highly of myself, so when I hear that I had a great post or really opened up and you enjoyed reading, it makes me smile and feel good. So thank you!!

Other social media.....I mostly use Facebook. I know, I know! I'm behind on the times. I do have a twitter account and instagram, but I just haven't caught on like everyone else has. I often forget to check both and hardly ever tweet anything. I do instagram photos, mostly of my kids, every once in awhile though. I guess social media has changed me in the way that I am a stalker now! Ha! I usually just browse and never really submit anything.  I think that kind of has to do with my self confidence again though. I really don't want to put anything out there that might make people think poorly of me. I know that's stupid to think. But that's just me.

On another note, how excited is everyone that it's Thursday?? I know I am. I just have to get through this day and then it's Friday!! Best thing I've heard all week. Have a great day everyone!!


1 comment:

  1. i hate to hear that you don't have good self confidence, but i do think it will get better with time!

    hope you have a great weekend!
