Today for Blogtember, Jenni @ Story of My Life wants to know what our favorite online shops are. Well, I'm not that big of a shopper! It's very rare that I really buy anything for myself. I usually choose to spend money on my kids, and only will buy for myself if Tim makes me.
The place I've been getting most of my clothes from lately is Stitchfix. I first learned about Stitchfix from Erin. I decided to try it and I've been hooked ever since. For those of you who don't know (doesn't everyone in Blogland know?) Stitchfix is a personal styling service. You go to their website and answer a bunch of questions on your clothing size, likes and budget. Then, you pick what date you would like your box and pay $20. After they ship your box, you have 3 days to try on everything and decide what you like. They also always include a return bag so you can ship what you don't like back. If you decide to keep nothing, you do lose your $20 otherwise if you keep something you can subtract the $20 off the item. If you keep it all (like I have the past 2 times) then you get 25% off the whole box! I love it because I am not very fashionable and I now have some clothing items that I might never have tried on or purchased on my own.
Another place I love to shop at, either online or at the physical store, is of course, Old Navy. They always have great, affordable items for my whole family. They have such adorable clothes for little girls and I have a horrible time not getting everything for Izzie when I go.
I also love to waste time and go browse Etsy. I have so many shops favorited! Last Christmas I bought a few things online for Alli. And all the stores did such a great job and shipped them so quickly. I only had issues with one of the stores I bought from, and yeah, I won't buy from there again.
And of course, another place I shop all the time is Amazon. I'm pretty sure everyone knows about Amazon, but that's where I like to buy my books and movies. I have also bought shoes for Izzie and some magnetic "paper" dolls for her when we went to Texas. They were a great buy!
I guess that's all I got today! I plan on browsing other blogs to get ideas for good online shops.
I love Old Navy too but I haven't tried shopping through their online store yet. Thanks for sharing this post!