Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween Friends!!

Last night we finally got our pumpkins carved.

Izzie and Daddy did a Minion!!  She really was not fond of the pumpkin "guts" at all. Once she got the little scoop, she was good to go though!

Kahle just did a creepy face. He did the majority of the carving by himself!! He's just getting too big!

Today I took off of work so I could help out with Izzie's Preschool Halloween party!! It was a lot of fun hanging out with those little kids. We even had 3 mermaids!!

Cute kids in cute costumes!! 

Tonight we will go to Scare the Square. All our local businesses decorate and stand outside to hand out candy. It's nice since we don't have to go very far to trick-or-treat. It gets a little crowded at times, but it's really convenient. We only live a few blocks away so we always just walk downtown. After that we will probably hit a couple of neighborhoods that have a bunch of lights on. Kahle got invited to go out for dinner with some friends and then go out with them. This is the first time he hasn't been with me. :( I guess I'll survive. I just can't believe my little boy is getting so old. I hope everyone has a great safe night and don't eat too much candy!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dearest Friday

My Dearest Friday, are you really, honestly here? Finally!! I swear this has been the longest week ever. I've been overly stressed and that just seems to make the week drag by so slowly. I think I will finally decorate for Halloween this weekend. I mean, it's only less than a week away now, better late then never I guess. I took Halloween off since I signed up to help with Izzie's preschool party. It's going to be a lot of fun! She's going to be Ariel and I'm so excited she loves the movie! Seriously, what little girl didn't watch The Little Mermaid a million times? Kahle's going to be a creepy Werewolf. Tim picked it out for him and I'm pretty sure Kahle would never take it off if I didn't make him. He loves to freak the dogs out with the mask. For being "vicious" pit bulls, they sure act like chickens!

Yesterday, was Parent-Teacher conferences. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. His behavior is so much better than it has been in the past years and it seems his grades are starting to improve. Of course, when he has an AWESOME teacher, it helps a lot. I can definitely tell that Mrs. Lorence truly cares about the kids she teaches.  There are a few teachers left that were teaching when I was in Elementary school and I hink it's time for them to go. Kahle has one of them and she is so picky about everything and seems to only be doing what she has to. So many "new" teachers make learning fun and that does wonders for the kids.  I'm also so thankful for Izzie's preschool teachers! They do such a great job and Izzie just lights up whenever she sees them. It's a great feeling for a mom.

Everyone have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Very Happy Birthday!!

I cannot believe my little Isabella Lourdes is 4 years old!! Seriously, where has the time gone? I can't believe the big personality that can come out of such a little girl. She is so much more outspoken and louder than I have ever and probably will ever be and that is so great to see. She's a lot like me and so much her very own person. She absolutely LOVES dance this year and she never ever stops shaking that little booty! Most days you can find her in her room, iPod turned all the way up, and dancing like she's never danced before. I also love that she likes all kinds of music and you can tell what kind of mood she is in by just listening to what she's listening to. She is so incredibly smart also and absolutely loves school! She will hardly even tell me goodbye or give me a hug when I drop her off. She will say things that just makes me wonder how she is only going to be 4 when she acts older. (That's not always good though.) Every now and then, she slips and will say a naughty word. She definitely knows what she's saying and that she shouldn't be saying it. Thanks all to her Dad!!

First family photo
First birthday photo shoot
Loves to read like her Mommy
They really do love each other!
Being silly with her cousins
My cute little wolf!
Finally can ride on her big bike!!
Happy Birthday my sweet little Izzie Lou!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

There's nothing better than a 4 day weekend!!

Happy Friday!!!  I'm so glad I get a 4 day weekend! That makes me so happy. I have a major need to be away from work for a little while. I can only handle so many "politics" and then I get super stressed and need a break. Columbus Day couldn't have came at a better time!

We are headed to the Omaha zoo tomorrow!! I can't wait! The last time we went, I was still pregnant with Izzie. So this will be her first trip. She is so into animals that I know she will just love it. Speaking of animals, Kahle and Izzie have become bug collecting maniacs! We now have 3 praying mantises and 3 caterpillars in cocoons. I just ordered some habitats for each on Amazon today. If we have to have the things in our house, they better have better homes than just jars. :)

Today is also my Mom's birthday!!! I am going out for lunch with Mom and Alli today. That seems to be our little tradition now for our birthdays. Unfortunately, my Sister has decided to up and move with her boyfriend to Lincoln so our tradition will have to end. :( I'm happy for her and Jake though. I'm just going to miss her. I know Lincoln is only an hour away, but we both seem so busy that I'm sure we won't be seeing very much of each other. Anyways, enough with the sadness. I just want to wish my Mom the happiest birthday ever (which should be since she is eating lunch with me!!) and post a few pictures. She hates pictures so I don't have very many and I'm glad she doesn't read my blog because she will never know I put them here. Hee hee!!!

Mom meeting Isabella for the first time!
My beautiful Mom and Sister!!
Izzie's first Christmas and trying to get settled for a 3 Generation picture.
Family picture in Texas. Also included is my Aunt Sandie and my Grandpa.
Mom with her "new" cousins Susy and Martha.
Wow. I'm such a failure at blogging. I really need to recap my Trip to Texas from JULY! When will time ever slow down?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 5, 2013


It's been a little while since I last posted. What have I been doing? Not too much but much more than I wish I was doing. It's been kind of hectic in my house. I'm kind of struggling with Kahle right now. I just don't know what to do with the kid! It sucks when I feel like I'm the only one trying with him!!  Here's our situation. Back in Kindergarten and First grade, he was doing terrific!! All the tests he was given, he passed with flying colors! He was ranked higher than the graph went! In Second Grade, things took a turn for the worse, his grades dropped a little and he was misbehaving in class. Third Grade, his grades were getting even worse, he was seeing the school counselor and still getting in trouble. In Fourth Grade, he was dropped to the next reading group (he had always been in the highest before) he was still getting in some trouble and bad grades. Now when I say bad grades, I mean a few A's, mostly B's and some C's. I was told by all his teachers that he should be having straight A's and this I knew myself too. Now this year, he hasn't been in any trouble that I've been aware of, but he isn't bringing homework home/telling me he doesn't have any and therefore he has to stay after. Also his grades are HORRIBLE!! I'm talking about 70's and lower. He still has some B's and A's but very few. I just don't know what to do anymore!! If anyone has any suggestions, please help! It's so tough being a parent and I'm starting to feel as if I'm failing. :( It's not a good feeling.
He is doing band this year and playing the saxophone. Between that and CmPS, which is a program that the 5th Graders do involving volunteer community service, I'm hoping he will learn some discipline and start doing better. It's just so scary.

Izzie is loving preschool and dance! She is in her 2nd year of preschool and absolutely loves it! She has dance once a week. She does Hip Hop first and then Ballet/Tap. She is doing so good this year and never stops dancing. :)

I never posted their first day of school pictures so I better do that and here are some other pictures from the Homecoming parade too.

First day of 5th Grade. Notice the camera hogger dogs!

First day of Preschool! Such a stinker!

Cub Scout float in the Homecoming Parade

She's always so excited to be in the parade. 

I hope you all are having a great weekend! It's a cold day in Nebraska! Izzie and I have already broke out the hot chocolate and there is Chicken Chili in the crock pot for supper!! If interested, I used Katie's recipe found here!  I really need to get doing some laundry and organizing my house. I'm so behind, it's not even funny!
